Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Most Powerful Penny In Your Dollar

The Secret Insurance
Alright, Disability Insurance isn't exactly a secret. But as our nations attention is drawn so completely to "Healthcare Reform" Disability Insurance has gotten pushed so far out of view that for many people it is a forgotten, or maybe even 'new' concept (younger folks who have entered the job market in the last two years may not even know you can insure your paycheck).

Disability Insurance has been around for a good long while. It has long been known as a great value for protecting your lifestyle from life's hard knocks. But in our current economy many people assume that it is a product that will be priced out of their grasp.

The point I want to get to in this blog post is that a very strong Disability Insurance policy can be had for about 1% of most peoples income. I think it's fair to call it the "Most Powerful Penny in Your Dollar".

This is no stripped down 'starter' product either. For this 1% of your income we're talking about a plan that;
1. Will keep your major expenses from falling into arrears
2. 'Guaranteed Increase Option' to increase the value as your salary grows (with no new underwriting)
3. ADL (activities of daily living) rider.

I've heard several people in the last few days use the phrase "I got a lot of skin in the game". The economic condition of our country has made this phrase fit most everybody I know. Disability Insurance can be used to insulate your family from the trauma this economy is bringing to some households.

If I've peaked your interest in 'insuring your paycheck' reach out to me here.
(402) 250-2244
Let's talk more.

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