Monday, May 17, 2010

Video Bar Project

Good day faithful readers!
Many of you have already made note of the enhanced 'Video Bar' on my blog page.
I literally stumbled across this animation creation software and felt an overwhelming urge to let it consume a bunch of my available time.
One of the things I like to do most here on my blog page is detail interesting cases I've worked on, elegant solutions to complex problems, concepts for resolving tough problems with clever application of insurance products. The animations lend themselves to this goal pretty well.
I'll be dropping more animations in as I can afford to allocate the time.
The links down under the graphic will take you to the YouTube pages for these two animation videos.

First Up:
Louie Gets Engaged
Louie Gets Engaged

Did You Hear About Kenny?
Did You Hear About Kenny?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Every Need is Different

Had a very interesting appointment this week. Wrote a Long Term Care plan for a husband and wife couple.
I asked them my favorite insurance-guy question

"What is the job for the insurance?"
This couple have been quite successful as Realtors. Their answer centered upon how much they were not able to do for their children as they were building their real estate business.

"Our children bore a big burden as children, we want to be sure we don't burden them again in our elder-years if we can avoid it."
I thought that was a really beautiful way to express their specific concern. Can Long Term Care insurance resolve this need? In a very real way 'Yes'.

One of my favorite aspects of the Long Term Care insurance products is that they can be configured to accomplish other goals too. I could go 180 degrees the other direction and resolve a concern for 'I know my kids will want to be deeply involved in my care in my elder-years, I'd like for them to have resources to deploy in caring for me so they don't become over burdened.'
This was a good week. I was able to use my God given talent to help a family. 
That's good stuff!